Revolutionise traditional steel binding in the construction industriy


A new and unique click based two part armature product which can replace the traditional armature chair. 

EF Click System has developed a completely new  and innovative reinforcement system and method for laying reinforcement in concrete constructions

Improved project economics

The EF Click System has carried out tests that document significantly faster project completion than the traditional reinforcement method. The system ensures that the use of mounting iron is eliminated as well as a significant reduction of binding wire.

This leads to significant savings for projects within apartments and office buildings.


Increased quality and safety

The EF Click System ensures that the safety aspect of the concrete construction is fully taken care of as the system and method ensures that the cc distance and cover will be 100% accurate. The system and method eliminate the traditional distance adjustments during and after assembly.

This ensures the durability, safety and longevity of concrete structures.



Significantly improved ergonomic work methodology that will result in lower sickness absence.

The invention and use of the EF Click System® supports the following of UN's Sustainable Development Goals

EF Click System® would like to cooperate with potential partners and investors.